MIL-STD-810 Training Registration

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CVG Strategy’s “Understanding MIL-STD-810” Training Registration can be completed here.

Training for MIL-STD-810 Registration will enable you to attend our Two-Day Online Live Webinar and to learn how the MIL-STD-810 Standard is applicable to your company’s product engineering program.

We are also available for on site seminars.

Understanding, Planning and Performing Climatic and Dynamic Testing

Understanding over the 1000 pages of United States DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TEST METHOD STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTS is challenging without some guidance and support.  This class will enable you to navigate the standard, interpret its application for your product or system, and to guide your company through a qualification test program.

MIL-STD-810 Training Registration

This Training for MIL-STD-810 live webinar has just what you need.  It’s online and you can do it from your office, no travel required!

We are happy to offer this two-day Training for MIL-STD-810 Program designed to provide you with a solid basis to build your knowledge and expertise.  This live training webinar will give you and your employees who are new to environmental and dynamic testing a jump start towards understanding and learning the very complex and lengthy testing standard and its methods.

MIL-STD-810 is the Department of Defense standard for environmental developmental test and evaluation.  As such, it is of great importance to product development teams that design components for military applications and rugged products for commercial markets.  The standard is comprised of 29 test methods, many of which contain multiple procedures.

Because the environmental stresses likely to be encountered by a product are dependent on the type of platform it is intended to be used on, MIL-STD-810 does not generally set test parameters and severities.  These test and evaluation parameters must be derived from a “tailoring process” that is described in Part 1 of this standard.

Understanding the tailoring process is essential to utilizing this unique standard.  Whether you are a product developer, test witness, or a test lab engineer, having knowledge in these methods of evaluation and how to apply them is of great value.  This course will also discuss changes to the standard in the current revision and how they effect testing.

CVG Strategy’s two day course is designed for people who are all levels of experience with the standard.  Topics covered include:

  • Role of Testing and Test Specialists in Today’s World
  • MIL-STD-810 History
  • MIL-STD-810 Parts 1 and 3
  • Developing and Life Cycle Environmental Profile
  • Preparing for the Lab
  • MIL-STD-810H Methods 500 – 528

Continuing education in the ever evolving parameters of product test and evaluation are paramount for getting the most from your product test program.  Keeping current on changes in this standard and on best practices for evaluating product quality is the best way to ensure that your company is maintaining its due diligence.

Our training experts have extensive experience in product testing and test plan development and are available to answer questions students may have.