Ground Mobile 461G CS115 EZ-Test Plan

SKU: EZGM-461-04

This Electromagnetic Interference Test plan (EMITP) template document set is for Conducted Susceptibility Testing for procedure CS115.  The EMITP is in the MIL-STD-461 format.  It has been configured and customized to meet the requirements set by MIL-STD-461 for equipment designed for use on ground mobile systems.  This template set contains all required documentation as established in the standard for appropriate EMI/EMC testing.


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EZ-Test Plan MIL STD 461G CS115 for Ground Mobile Applications

This EZ-Test Plan Test Plan Template is developed for use by manufacturers, contractors, engineering service companies and test labs. This document employs the Electromagnetic Test Plan (EMITP) format specified in DOD MIL-STD-461 per DI-EMCS-801201.  This EZ-Test Plan template (ground mobile MIL STD 461G CS115) is customized for requirements applicable to Ground Mobile Systems.  Typically, this is to be used in, on or with a vehicle that is mobile with either a human operator or autonomously.

Test Plans are a requirement for all DOD EMI/EMC and Electrical Compatibility test methodologies.  They serve to inform the laboratory of specific information about the Equipment Under Test (EUT) pertaining to operational modes, frequencies, monitoring, and simulation equipment used, and defined susceptibility evaluation parameters.  This ensures that a proper evaluation will be performed.

Test Plans provide instruction to the test facility for documentation of all test setup and instrumentation parameters so that testing can be replicated at a later date. They also provide the test facility instruction for content of Test Reports as specified in MIL-STD-461 per DI-EMCS-801200.  These test reports provide the required data for post-test analysis and substantiate due diligence for required testing to your customer.

It is essential for product developers of defense materiel to conduct thorough testing at the developmental stage to avoid failures during operational testing that can lead to costly program delays.  An important part in the development of a viable developmental evaluation program is to have well-constructed test plans to ensure that evaluation be conducted that meets requirements for all operational modes of the specific Equipment Under Test (EUT).

EMI/EMC and Electrical Compatibility testing is one of the most challenging hurdles for any product developer especially when that testing is conducted per Department of Defense standards.  Proper test program documentation can provide clarity in the development of evaluative strategies before going to the test facility.

This EZ-Test Plan Template Set (ground mobile MIL STD 461G CS115) includes:

  • Test Plan for one (1) Method with procedure(s)
  • Addendum A – EUT Description, Approved Exceptions, EUT Operation, Test Simulation and Monitoring Equipment, Operating Frequencies, and Performance Check for user customization.
  • Addendum B – Test Lab Description to be filled out by lab as required by MIL-STD-461
  • Test Data Form for Witness
  • Test Label (Photo template) form for pictures at lab by witness

This EZ-Test Plan Template (ground mobile MIL STD 461G CS115) is available or a One-Year License which is renewable for 50% of the standard one license purchase price.

Experience in Testing

Ground Mobile EZ-Test Plans have been developed based on CVG Strategy’s experience in EMI/EMC and Electrical Compatibility developmental test and evaluation for military vehicle components. Vehicle platforms we have been involved with include:

  • JLTV
  • M-ATV
  • FMTV
  • M1 Abrams
  • Bradley Fighting Vehicle
  • LVSR

This military vehicle component testing experience has provided an in depth understanding of MIL-STD-461 and MIL-STD-1275 test requirements and methodologies. These insights are reflected in our EZ-Test Plan documents. Put our experience to work for you by incorporating a precise and clear documentation of EMI/EMC and Electrical Compatibility test and evaluation.